Saturday, December 18, 2010

Trans-Siberian Prose and Little Jeanne from France” written by Blaise Cendrars

Trans-Siberian Prose and Little Jeanne from France” written by Blaise Cendrars is one of the most interesting poems that I have ever read. The whole poem is about the journey with the train from Moscow to Montmartre and he describes moments of what the character was seeing and feeling. Canderas describes the war, the love, the death and everything what he saw during the journey. During the time I was reading the poem I was wondering if this is an imaginary journey or this happened to the author for real. He used a lot of metaphors and while reading I noticed a lot repetition of words which I think he was trying to put emphasis to some key words. This journey was made during 1905. Thus, I found it contradictory moment when I saw that Titanic was mentioned there. This made me believe that this is more imaginary journey rather real one.

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