Friday, February 11, 2011

"Love Story" by Erich Segal

"Love Story" is one of the best books that I have read. This story is about a boy called Oliver Barret IV a Harvard college student which comes from a wealthy and educated family with a high standard class and a girl Jennifer Cavilleri which is American with a Italian descent and comes from a poor social class. Alth

ough they are different in many ways from their personality to their social class they fall in love. Jennifer is a pianist and love The Beatles whereas Oliver is a hockey guy. They both met in the library where all the conversation starts and they arrange a meeting to go for a coffee. Jennifer was a smart girl and she has a sense of humor. When Oliver asked why she went out for a coffee with him she said " I like your body." Oliver asked Jennifer to come to watch a hockey game of him and when she asked why she should have come, he said: because I will play. Therefore, she went to watch the game, and the whole game Oliver was thinking about her. One day while Jennifer was talking about her plans to visit Paris, Oliver proposed her to be married, and when she asked him why he said:"Because." They felt in love with each other so madly but the social difference made them feel not so good in front of Oliver's parents. Even though, Oliver's parents were not so good with Jennifer, she still liked them, nut Oliver couldn't admict the fact that they didn't like Jennifer. Oliver called his father Sir and not by his name or dad, where as Jennifer called her father Phil and when Oliver asked her why you called him like this, she said because that's its name. Her mother died in a car crash when she was young, therefore Phil took a role of a mother and father for her and that's why she loved so much her dad. This part of the story is really interesting and fun to read.

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